10,000 Saints en streaming

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10,000 Saints

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Description :

Set in the 1980s, teenage Jude (Asa Butterfield) moves from Vermont to New York City to live with his father (Ethan Hawke) in the punk-fueled East Village. Caught in the chaos of city life, Jude and his friends, Eliza and Johnny (Hailee Steinfeld and Emile Hirsch) try to hide a secret in a neighborhood on the verge of riots. From the Academy Award Nominated directors of AMERICAN SPLENDOR, and also starring Julianne Nicholson, Emily Mortimer and Avan Jogia; 10,000 SAINTS features a fantastic soundtrack featuring R.E.M., The Cure, The Replacements, Sting, and more.

10,000 Saints en streaming sur wawacity! Films en streaming

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