Loser en streaming

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Description :

From director/screenwriter Amy Heckerling (Clueless, Fast Times at Ridgemont High) comes Loser, a college comedy about trusting yourself, taking a chance and turning your back on the people who take advantage of you. Nerdy, good-natured Paul Tannek (American Pie's Jason Biggs) is a square peg in the round hole that is New York University. His pot-smoking, girl-chasing roommates hate him, and everyone else on campus ignores him. But when he meets fellow student Dora Diamond (Mena Suvari, American Beauty), he discovers a kindred spirit. Dora is pratically broke, has nowhere to live, and her boyfriend, Professor Edward Alcott (Oscar nominee Greg Kinnear), is more interested in manipulating her than loving her. The more people push them around, the closer Paul and Dora get-she helps him dress better and appreciate New York, he lets her stay with him while she finds a job. In the end, Paul and Dora not only fall for each other, they find the courage to walk away from the people who walk all over them-proof that even losers get lucky sometimes.

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