Twelfth Night en streaming

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Twelfth Night

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Description :

After a surviving a disaster at sea, Viola, in a foreign land, disguises herself as her identical brother, and becomes the go-between for the lovelorn Count Orsino and disinterested Lady Olivia. The disguised Viola soon discovers that Olivia isn't in love with Orsino, she's in love with Viola in disguise! Much comedic confusion ensues, as mistaken identity causes characters to fall in and out of love with other characters who are in and out of disguises, all leading to a Shakespearian happy ending where those who should be in love are, and with the correct people. Starring a phenomenal cast of British actors, including Sir Ben Kingsley ("Schindler's List"), Helena Bonham Carter ("Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"), Nigel Hawthorne ("The Madness of King George"), Mel Smith ("The Princess Bride"), Imelda Staunton ("Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"), Imogen Stubbs ("Sense and Sensibility") and Richard E. Grant ("The Player").

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