The Chaser en streaming

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The Chaser

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Description :

Ex-detective pimp Jung-ho has a big problem on his hands. His girls keep disappearing without clearing their debts. One night, he gets a call from a customer and sends Mi-jin, one of his girls still remaining, while ignoring her refusal due to her bad cold. But when Mi-jin meets the customer against her will, Jung-ho realizes the phone number of the customer matches that of the calls the missing girls got last. As something smells fishy, he searches for her. This taut thriller is brought to you by IFC Films. "One of the most intelligent, brutal, and just plain straightforward type of serial killer films to come along since the discovery and over-usage of the twist ending.... THE CHASER is the best film of its kind to come along since THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS. Fans of serial killer films owe it to themselves to seek out this Korean flick" -Aint It Cool. From IFC Films.

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