
Compliance en streaming

  • Genre: Drama
  • Date: 2012-08-17
  • Vote: R
  • Temps: 1h 29min
  • Directeur: Craig Zobel
  • Production : Bad Cop / Bad Cop
  • Pays: United States of America

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Description :

Inspired by true events, Compliance tells the chilling story of just how far one might go to obey a figure of authority. On a particularly busy day at a suburban Ohio fast food joint, high-strung manager Sandra (Ann Dowd) receives a phone call from a police officer saying that an employee, a pretty young blonde named Becky (Dreama Walker), has stolen money from a customer. Convinced she’s only doing what’s right, Sandra commences the investigation, following step-by-step instructions from the officer at the other end of the line, no matter how invasive they become.

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Compliance TRUEFRENCH BDRip / HDRip / HDLIGHT 1080p /BLU-RAY 720p


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