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Description :

Lone is a stunning visual accompaniment that explores the themes behind Chelsea Wolfe’s critically acclaimed album Pain is Beauty, focusing on the concepts of nature, sexuality, memory, mortality, forgiveness, love, innocence, fragility, violence and beauty. The film was co-written by Wolfe and directed by Mark Pellington, who’s remarkable career includes the era-defining, award-winning video for Pearl Jam’s “Jeremy, ” as well as his canon of videos for U2, INXS, Nine Inch Nails, Foo Fighters, Moby, Michael Jackson, and feature films I Melt With You, The Mothman Prophecies, and Arlington Road, among others. The concept behind Lone was birthed out of a mutual desire between Wolfe and Pellington to expand upon the concept of a classic music video. What began as an idea for a nine minute short film extended into what is now just under an hour-long piece, with Pellington fleshing out the concept surrounding Chelsea’s lyrics and music.

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