One California Day en streaming

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One California Day

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Description :

Follow the lives of eight California surfers in One California Day. Produced by Build Worldwide, and Co-Directed by Mark Jeremias (maker of Drive) and Jason Baffa (maker of Singlefin: Yellow), The Californian surfing experience continues to inspire millions of people around the World. It's spirit reaches across all areas of pop culture, influencing fashion, graphic design, illustration, and music, as well as attitudes about both the environment and freedom. One California Day captures the unique California surfing experience through the characters that bring this culture to life, presenting the definitive story about California surf culture and the beach lifestyle experience. Shot in brilliant Super 16mm and starring Joe and Tom Curren, Lance Carson, Skip Frye, Jimmy Gamboa, Tyler Hatzikian, Devon Howard, Alex Knost, Joel Tudor, The Malloy Family, Jed and Greg Noll, Dane Perlee, and Tyler Warren.

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