Building a Bridge en streaming

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Building a Bridge

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Description :

Building a Bridge follows Father James Martin on his journey to make the Catholic Church more accepting of the LGBTQ+ community, despite loud opposition from within and outside the Church.Horrified by Catholic leaders’ silence in the wake of the Pulse nightclub massacre, Father Martin writes a widely-acclaimed book and tours the country speaking with the news media, local parishes and LGBTQ+ Catholics with his message of “compassion, respect, and sensitivity.”The film follows Father Martin and the lives he has impacted, including a grieving Pulse mother, a family with three queer siblings, and a college student trying to reconcile his gay and Catholic identities.Meanwhile, Father Martin faces vicious attacks from his most vocal opponent, Michael Voris and his “alt-right media empire,” Church Militant. Voris is a repentant Catholic with a “sinful” past who organizes protests and social media campaigns against Father Martin.

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