Rock Camp en streaming

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Rock Camp

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Description :

Most of the time, they're dentists, executives, teachers, students, and everything in between. Only when they pick up their drumsticks and plug in their guitars do they transform into rock 'n' rollers.Enter Rock 'N' Roll Fantasy Camp, the extraordinary musical experience that has been bringing rock and roll disciples and Hall of Famers together for the past 25 years. Rock Camp takes you behind the scenes as campers get ready to share the stage with all-star "counsellors," including Alice Cooper, Roger Daltrey, Rob Halford, Gene Simmons, and Paul Stanley, among other iconic figures.Four campers must venture out of their comfort zones to unleash their inner rock gods while their legendary leaders reflect on their careers and Rock 'N' Roll Fantasy Camp experiences. As campers and counsellors bond over their shared passion for shredding, what becomes clear is that you don't have to be famous to be a rock star.

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