The Box en streaming

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The Box

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Description :

Hatzin (Hatzin Navarrete), a young teenager from Mexico City, travels to collect the remains of his father, which have been found in a communal grave in the northern part of Mexico. But a casual encounter with a man, Mario (Hernán Mendoza) who shares a physical resemblance with his father, puts in doubt the certainty of his father’s death and above all, opens the possibility of re-establishing a father-son relationship the young man so deeply desires. Winner of the Venice Film Festival’s Leoncino d’Oro Agiscuola Award – Cinema for UNICEF, The Box concludes Venezuelan writer-director Lorenzo Vigas' trilogy, which includes his short, Elephants Never Forget (2004) and his feature debut, From Afar (Festival 2016), winner of the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival.

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