Pennies from Heaven en streaming

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Pennies from Heaven

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Description :

All-star musical follows Steve Martin ("Bowfinger," "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels," "Father of the Bride") as a womanizing sheet-music salesman who's married to hapless Jessica Harper ("My Favorite Year") but carries on an affair with a schoolteacher, Tony-winner Bernadette Peters ("Annie"). Set during the Depression, it features lyp-synced songs from the greats of that era, including Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire. Also stars Oscar-winner Christopher Walken ("The Deer Hunter," "Brainstorm," "The Dead Zone"). Produced and directed by Oscar-nominee Herbert Ross ("The Vanishing Point," "The Sunshine Boys") with stunning black and white cinematography by Oscar-nominee Gordon Willis ("The Godfather," "Annie Hall"). Based on the successful British TV series by Dennis Potter whose adapted script earned an Oscar-nomination.

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