B.A.P.S en streaming

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Description :

Academy Award, Golden Globe and Emmy Award-winner Halle Berry stars as one of two homegirls who reacquaint a Beverly Hills millionaire with his long-lost zest for life in this comedy as he teaches them to become Black American Princesses--B.A.P.S. Nisi (Halle Berry) and Mickey (Natalie Desselle - "How to be a Player") are two African-American women with two ambitions: to marry rich men who will give them lots of money and to open the world's first combination hair salon and soul food restaurant. But eligible bachelors and business opportunities are in short supply in Decatur, Georgia, so the pair hit the road to California and found much more than they ever expected to find.

B.A.P.S en streaming sur wawacity! Films en streaming

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