Bicycling With Molière en streaming

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Bicycling With Molière

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Description :

From the director of the hit comedy, THE WOMEN ON THE 6TH FLOOR comes BICYCLING WITH MOLIÈRE - a warm, funny, literate comedy starring renowned French actors, Fabrice Luchini and Lambert Wilson. Gauthier (Wilson) is a handsome and famous soap opera star in Paris; Serge (Luchini) is a serious stage actor who has renounced his profession to live on an idyllic island off the French coast. When Gauthier visits Serge to convince him to join him in a production of Molière's The Misanthrope, a battle of wits ensues over who will play the lead role of Alceste. Between rehearsals, the two bike along the windswept beaches, rival for the affections of a beautiful Italian divorcée and offer advice to an aspiring porn actress. As tensions mount, Gauthier begins to wonder if Serge is really considering leaving his island paradise for the stage or if he's just toying with him.

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