Rock the Casbah en streaming

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Rock the Casbah

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Description :

Summer in Tangiers. A family comes together for three days in their home following the death of the father to share their memories and to grieve his loss, according to Muslim tradition. They have left the beach behind and swapped swimsuits for djellabas as everyone gathers in a show of mourning. The emotions are further heightened since this man left behind him an entirely female immediate family. Sparks start to fly when Sofia jets in from New York after several years away. The youngest daughter, she made a new life for herself as an actress in America, but she only ever gets roles as the terrorist in US series. Her return provides the opportunity to settle some scores with her sisters, as the order once maintained by the patriarch breaks down. Between laughter and tears, a collective hysteria leads each of the women to face up to some home truths.

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