Sense and Sensibility

Sense and Sensibility en streaming

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Date: 1995-12-13
  • Vote: PG
  • Temps: 2h 16min
  • Directeur: Jane Austen 2038186
  • Production : Mirage Enterprises
  • Pays: United Kingdom, United States of America

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Description :

Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman, Kate Winslet and Hugh Grant star in this captivating romantic comedy that swept the Ten Best Lists and was named the Best Picture of the Year by the Golden Globes. Based on Jane Austen's classic novel, "Sense and Sensibility" tells of the Dashwood sisters, sensible Elinor (Thompson) and passionate Marianne (Winslet), whose chances at marriage seem doomed by their family's sudden loss of fortune. Rickman, Grant and Greg Wise co-star as the well-intentioned suitors who are trapped by the strict rules of society and the conflicting laws of desire.

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